Sliding around and shifting into slow motion is a blast, A constant barrage of explosions, bullets, and robots, Fantastic boss fights heat up the action, Smooth controls ensure an alwaysfair challenge, Frequent setpiece environments add flair and variety.
Corny dialogue and voice acting, Ends too soon.
This gleeful third-person shooter is outrageously fun. ...
Abstract: Vanquish is a true cinematic science fiction gaming experience and from the very first moments, it’s like you are part of some big budget Hollywood action movie. The gameplay of Vanquish is a third person shooter that is oozing with action as you battl...
Far from attaining the mere status of Epic hanger-on, Platinum Games has delivered the concept of acrobatic third-person shooter to the public, making it appear far less ridiculous than this sentence does. Considering that gamers seem to have this cons...
“Vanquish” ha conseguido que me reconcilie con un género que consideraba menor. Algunos dicen que es demasiado corto, yo debo de ser un manco porque pasarme la historia en difícil me ha llevado siete horas y cuarenta minutos, eso sin tocar los desafíos. A...
Published: 2017-05-25, Author: Maurice , review by:
Maurice Weber@Froody42Normalerweise wär ich der völlig falsche, um ein Spiel wie Vanquish zu testen. Ich mag Shooter nicht mal sonderlich! Wenn sie mich begeistern, dann in der Regel mit einem einzigartigen Szenario oder einer gelungenen Story, so wie etw...
Spannende Inszenierung, Colonel Robert Burns als coolste Nebencharakter aller Zeiten, Riesige Zwischenund Endgegner, Sehr gute Animationen und Blureffekte, Unterhaltsame Wortduelle der Hauptcharaktere, Ein fieser Bösewicht
Zu kurze Spielzeit, Zu wenig musikalische Abwechslung