Bagaimana jika Anda termasuk gamer yang penakut dan tidak suka dengan genre horror? Tenang saja, Anda hanya butuh membiasakan diri dengan jump scare yang ada. Jika kami berani mencicipinya, Anda juga pasti bisa.Jadi apa yang bisa disimpulkan dari Until Da...
Abstract: Horror memang tengah menjadi salah satu genre yang mendapatkan perhatian khusus di industri game saat ini. Mengusung mekanik gameplay yang sebenarnya tidak seberapa kompleks, ia menawarkan sebuah pengalaman yang berkesan lewat atmosfer dan kejutan yang si...
Published: 2022-06-30, Author: Jordan , review by:
Abstract: After a staggered regional rollout, the “new” PlayStation Plus is available across the board. But is it worth it? And if so, what games should you play? I've got my take.Subscriptions now range from the most basic and familiar Essential tier with free mon...
Abstract: Sony's PlayStation 4 is fast approaching its sixth birthday, and that poses a problem. You see, game developers have seen fit to release a game for almost every day the console has been available, leaving you with well over 1,500 titles to choose from. Th...
Abstract: Sony's PlayStation 4 is fast approaching its 6th birthday, and that poses a problem. You see, game developers have seen fit to release a game for almost every day the console has been available, leaving you with well over 1,500 titles to choose from. The...
Abstract: Until Dawn certainly had a troubled development. The game was initially meant to be released on PlayStation 3, and the plan was to make it a first person title that exploited the Move controller.After the game went dark during 2013, some assumed that it h...
Until Dawn is a great horror game on the PS4 which everyone should try. It has some downfalls, but are far and few between the great cast, storyline, music and in game mechanics...
Until Dawn is a fascinating horror experience, using the creativity of its gameplay to approach the genre in a new and surprising way. It's well-paced and the blending of horror with choice-based gameplay is a fantastic union...
Abstract: When Supermassive Games' horror game Until Dawn hit my doorstep, I shuddered a bit. I love Lovecraft-inspired games like Bloodborne, Silent Hill and Dead Space but I've always had a real tough time with slasher films, and Until Dawn looked from all the tr...
Abstract: I have longed for a true horror movie themed game for years, especially in the realm of slasher flicks like Scream or Friday the 13th. Or even the slightly comedic side of Cabin in the Woods that still gave you the traditional jump scares and the gore you...