Testseek.com have collected 13 expert reviews of the Technics SU-C700 and the average rating is 63%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Technics SU-C700.
13 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
Needs to be bought as a system, Volume hounds will want more clout, At times a little too sonically sophisticated
The Technics relaunch is well timed. With high resolution audio finding genuine traction (when Iron Maiden remaster their entire back catalogue you know things are moving in the right direction), there are tangible benefits to be had from reinvesting in c...
Beautifully made and finished, Features, Better than the original in terms of dynamics and expression,
Still not good enough to worry the class leaders,
So, this upgraded amp delivers a decent overall performance and is a clear step ahead of the first version in terms of rhythm and dynamics. But, disappointingly, it isn't enough to gain recommendation. Not at this price.The Technics is up against some mig...
Needs to be bought as a system, Volume hounds will want more clout, At times a little too sonically sophisticated
The Technics relaunch is well timed. With high resolution audio finding genuine traction (when Iron Maiden remaster their entire back catalogue you know things are moving in the right direction), there are tangible benefits to be had from reinvesting in c...
Sound lacks energy and drive, Disorganised, Times poorly,
With expectation running high for the Technics revival, this is not the news we wanted to deliver. Unfortunately, we have to, and at this price the SU-C700 is not an amp to consider...
Abstract: Sie ist wieder da: die unter HiFi-Freunden hochgeschätze Marke Technics! Nach einer Pause von mehreren Jahren hat sich der Mutterkonzern Panasonic entschieden, wieder hochwertiges HiFi unter der Marke Technics zu produzieren. Und der Neustart kann sich de...
Abstract: Meine Generation erlebte sie einst, diese Gerätetürme von Technics mit zahllosen Tastern und vor allem diesen grossen VU-Metern. Der gute Teenager-Freund, der sich das schon leisten konnte, lud uns zu einer Bewunderungs-Tour ein und spendierte grosszügig ...
Zeer goede bouwkwaliteit, Waanzinnig veel detail, Versterker is stijlicoon, Netwerkspeler lust alles, FM/DAB-tuner
App niet zo stabiel, Speakers hebben zeer directe presentatie
We vermoeden stilletjes dat deze Technics-set regelrecht mikt op een publiek dat hifi-kwaliteit wenst, maar dan wel in woonkamervriendelijke verpakking. Niet iedereen houdt van een gezellige mix van visueel incompatibele componenten, met het nodige kabe...
Snyggt utförande och utseende! Vi gillar det kompakta formatet och VU-mätarna som vinkar i takt med musiken. Här finns generöst med digitalingångar och ljudet har bra diktion i röster
Det saknas kontroll. Musiken går lite huller om buller, utom i de allra enklaste passagerna
I bästa fall är detta en förstärkare för oerhört lättdrivna högtalare, eller om den aldrig behöver spela högre än på hissvolym. Då låter Technics SU-C700 rent och snyggt, med klara toner. Men vi kan inte låta blir att tycka att den befinner sig i fel pris...