Testseek.com have collected 85 expert reviews of the Seagate M.2 FireCuda 530 Series NVMe PCIe and the average rating is 89%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Seagate M.2 FireCuda 530 Series NVMe PCIe.
August 2021
85 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
145 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Kinerja baca dan tulis sangat kencang
Heatsink tebal yang memastikan suhu terjaga
Bisa digunakan pada Playstation 5
Garansi yang panjang
Yaitu 5 tahun
TBW yang cukup besar dengan 2550 TBW
The editors didn't like
Harganya yang cukup mahal
Tidak cocok untuk semua laptop karena tebalnya heatsink
Kinerja baca dan tulis sangat kencang, Heatsink tebal yang memastikan suhu terjaga, Bisa digunakan pada Playstation 5, Garansi yang panjang, yaitu 5 tahun, TBW yang cukup besar dengan 2550 TBW,
Harganya yang cukup mahal, Tidak cocok untuk semua laptop karena tebalnya heatsink
Saat memiliki sebuah sistem yang mendukung PCI-e 4.0, tentu saja mengganti SSD pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi akan mempercepat sistem secara keseluruhan. Dengan kinerja yang lebih tinggi, tentu saja membuat semua software yang dijalankan akan lebih cepat...
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Published: 2022-01-19, Author: Will , review by: servethehome.com
When I first wrote this review, the Seagate FireCuda 530 1TB with the integrated heatsink was $250 on Amazon; $250 is a stupidly high price point for this drive compared to other drives in its class. It looks like Someone out there agrees with me, because...
Abstract: Not that long ago we took a long hard look at Micron's latest and great NAND - “Replacement Gate NAND 2.0” - and walked away extremely impressed with what that NAND could do. Without putting too much spin on things it is quite literally capable of elevati...
Blazing fast speeds, Performance is comparable to built-in PS5 SSD, Quick and smooth transfers
Larger sizes are expensive, Out-of-stock at many stores
$230 at Amazon (with heatsink)$160 at Best Buy (with heatsink)$160 at Newegg (with heatsink)$132 at Amazon (without heatsink)We may earn a commission for purchases using our links. Learn more.Greatness awaitsPS5 review: Untapped potential, with a revoluti...
Published: 2021-08-22, Author: Sean , review by: tomshardware.com
Very fast PCIe 4.0 performance, Very impressive sstained write speeds and endurance, 5-year warranty w/ 3-year rescue data recovery service, Cool operation,
Expensive, Lacks hardware-based AES 256-bit encryption, Less efficient than some competitors
Although it is expensive, thanks to Phison's PS5018-E18 SSD controller and Micron's very capable B47R 176L replacement gate TLC NAND flash, Seagate's FireCuda 530 is ideal for professionals and enthusiasts who demand fast, reliable, and enduring performan...
Published: 2021-08-16, Author: Les , review by: thessdreview.com
The Seagate FireCuda 530 is one of the best Gen 4 SSDs on the market, and with that comes the premium price one would expect. Performance is chart topping which justifies the cost of Seagate choosing Microns best 1600 MT/s NAND, vice the norm we see at 12...
Published: 2021-08-12, Author: Ron , review by: gamingtrend.com
Delivers over 6500 MB/s sustained read speeds, Easily installed in the PlayStation 5, In a PC, it'll run PCIe 3 or 4, 3 year warranty with data recovery services
You absolutely need a heatsink, $259 is a premium above competitors
The only wishlist item I had with the launch of the PlayStation 5 was a bit more storage space, and now it's within reach for everyone. The Seagate FireCuda 530 delivers more than enough speed to handle anything the PlayStation 5 can throw at it. Now it's...
Fastest NVMe PCIe 4 SSD we've tested, Very high TBW (longevity) rating, Five-year warranty with three-year data recovery for free
On the pricey side
The Seagate FireCuda 530 (2TB) is the fastest NVMe SSD we've tested; it has a very high TBW rating for a consumer drive; and it also carries a five-year guarantee with three years of data recovery coverage. It isn't cheap, but it's the best thing out ther...
Published: 2021-09-15, Author: Michael , review by: cravingtech.com
Very fast. Have I told you how fast it is?ProsInsane speed (7,300MB/s read and 6,900MB/s write speed)Has Heatsink optionUp to 4TB storage capacity optionCompatible with PS5Backward compatibleGood software includedConsPriceyYou may also likeComing back wit...
Published: 2021-08-26, Author: Jon , review by: tweaktown.com
Unprecedented capacity to performance ratio compels us to declare the 4TB Seagate FireCuda the new King of SSDs. Everything about it is cutting edge. Performance, endurance, and capacity - everything. The only drawback is, of course, the cost of ownership...