Testseek.com have collected 846 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge .
March 2015
846 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
630 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Desain yang sangat keren
Khususnya warna Gold
Layar lengkung dua sisi
Kamera resolusi tinggi
Desain menarik dengan material premium dan layar melengkung
Kinerja sangat tinggi
Dibekali salah satu kamera terbaik di ranah smartphone
Isi baterai cepat
Desain elegan dengan balutan metal dan Gorilla Glass 4
Tepian dengan layar lengkung yang inovatif
Kamera superior
Memiliki desain mewah bernuansa metal
Kemampuan kamera yang dimiliki telah dilengkapi dengan beragam fitur menarik
Mendukung Fast Charging
Memiliki desain ergonomis yang nyaman untuk digenggam
Dilengkapi dengan sensor sidik jari
Desain eksotis dengan layar lengkung
Kinerja gegas
Layar besar
Fitur layar lengkung bertambah
Kinerja cepat
Kualitas foto bagus
Desain menarik dan mewah
Penyimpanan 64 GB
Kamera impresif
Performa bagus
Desain unik dan mewah
The editors didn't like
– Layar lengkung suka tersentuh tanpa sadar disaat genggaman
– Bodi dapat lekas panas
Kegunaan layar lengkung relatif terbatas
Kurang nyaman dalam genggaman tangan
Suhu tinggi saat mengisi baterai
Tak ada slot microSD sehingga menyulitkan ekspansi media penyimpanan
Harga relatif mahal
Tidak ada FM Radio
Harga terlalu tinggi
Hadir sebagai hasil pemikiran Project Zero
Samsung sukses membuat Galaxy S6 Edge keluar dari pakem yang selama ini mengikatnya. Tidak hanya berani membawa desain elegan berbalut material metal dan la
Tidak memiliki slot microSD
Lapisan metal pada smartphone membuat sedikit licin bila digenggam dengan tangan yang berkeringat
Front on at least, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is one of the best looking smartphones on the market and many will say it's the best, The QHD display complements the sweeping, curving design by giving you something visually stunning to look at. It's not a h
All the good points about the S6 Edge can be applied to its brother, the Galaxy S6, as apart from screen design the two handsets are identical. And as the S6 is a good deal cheaper than the Edge, it's difficult to really make a case for the added cost, Su
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is one of those phones that sets a line in the sand for smartphones. It makes curved edges viable, offering them in a phone that doesn't look bonkers just for the sake of it.It won't sell anywhere near as well as the standard S6...
Front on at least, the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is one of the best looking smartphones on the market and many will say it's the best, The QHD display complements the sweeping, curving design by giving you something visually stunning to look at. It's not a h
All the good points about the S6 Edge can be applied to its brother, the Galaxy S6, as apart from screen design the two handsets are identical. And as the S6 is a good deal cheaper than the Edge, it's difficult to really make a case for the added cost, Su
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is one of those phones that sets a line in the sand for smartphones. It makes curved edges viable, offering them in a phone that doesn't look bonkers just for the sake of it.It won't sell anywhere near as well as the standard S6...
Gorgeous Design, Insane Display, Excellent Battery, Supremely Powerful, Useful Features, Brilliant Camera, Future-Proofed With Features Like Samsung Pay
Battery Isn't Removable, No SD-Card Support
Design. Power. Performance. Imaging. Connectivity. Features –– the Galaxy S6 EDGE, like its EDGE-less brother, has them all to the max. No other handset we've tested this year feels quite so well realised as this pair from Samsung. The LG G4 was a fine se...
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Published: 2016-07-22, Author: Ian , review by: digitalspy.com
Abstract: Thanks to its distinctive curved 5.1-inch QHD Super AMOLED display, the Galaxy S6 edge is easily the South Korean tech juggernaut's most stylish mobile device to date. However, there's a lot more to this luxurious smartphone than its killer curves, with t...
winner: S7 Edge With the S7 Edge Samsung has improved on what was already a winning formula, proving that the brave design choices first seen in last year's flagship were just. On paper the 2016 model wins on nearly all counts, but the margins are minima...
Abstract: There's no doubt that many people are considering whether to opt for a top-end device from Samsung, such as the Galaxy S6 Edge, or to wait for Apple's latest offering...
Abstract: The long-awaited Angry Birds 2 app released for Android and iOS devices at the end of last month and will no doubt bring a whole new legion of fans to the phenomenally popular franchise. Meanwhile the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge is the premium version of the c...