Testseek.com have collected 846 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge .
March 2015
846 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
630 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Desain yang sangat keren
Khususnya warna Gold
Layar lengkung dua sisi
Kamera resolusi tinggi
Desain menarik dengan material premium dan layar melengkung
Kinerja sangat tinggi
Dibekali salah satu kamera terbaik di ranah smartphone
Isi baterai cepat
Desain elegan dengan balutan metal dan Gorilla Glass 4
Tepian dengan layar lengkung yang inovatif
Kamera superior
Memiliki desain mewah bernuansa metal
Kemampuan kamera yang dimiliki telah dilengkapi dengan beragam fitur menarik
Mendukung Fast Charging
Memiliki desain ergonomis yang nyaman untuk digenggam
Dilengkapi dengan sensor sidik jari
Desain eksotis dengan layar lengkung
Kinerja gegas
Layar besar
Fitur layar lengkung bertambah
Kinerja cepat
Kualitas foto bagus
Desain menarik dan mewah
Penyimpanan 64 GB
Kamera impresif
Performa bagus
Desain unik dan mewah
The editors didn't like
– Layar lengkung suka tersentuh tanpa sadar disaat genggaman
– Bodi dapat lekas panas
Kegunaan layar lengkung relatif terbatas
Kurang nyaman dalam genggaman tangan
Suhu tinggi saat mengisi baterai
Tak ada slot microSD sehingga menyulitkan ekspansi media penyimpanan
Harga relatif mahal
Tidak ada FM Radio
Harga terlalu tinggi
Hadir sebagai hasil pemikiran Project Zero
Samsung sukses membuat Galaxy S6 Edge keluar dari pakem yang selama ini mengikatnya. Tidak hanya berani membawa desain elegan berbalut material metal dan la
Tidak memiliki slot microSD
Lapisan metal pada smartphone membuat sedikit licin bila digenggam dengan tangan yang berkeringat
Published: 2015-05-08, Author: Luke , review by: gizmodo.com.au
Beautiful design, insanely light, Amazingly sharp screen, Great camera
Punishingly expensive, No longer waterproof, No removable battery or expandable storage
Absolutely. If you have the money and can justify the purchase, you'll be getting the absolute best that Samsung and Android have to offer. It's not so much a return to form for Samsung with the S6 Edge: it's an entirely new thing, completely out of left...
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Published: 2015-05-06, Author: Chris , review by: ausdroid.net
Abstract: Samsung has lead the Android market with its Galaxy S line of mobile phones for a number of years now, producing one of – if not the – top-selling mobile handsets on the market. The company has achieved mass-market appeal by providing consistently leading...
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Published: 2015-04-28, Author: Alex , review by: fatducktech.com
Abstract: With the Galaxy S6, Samsung's created something very special.With the Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung's created something very pretty, but substantially less special.Over at the ABC's Technology+Games site, I've written up a rather exhaustive (and exhausting) rev...
Slick and sophisticated design, Fantastic camera, Beautiful screen,
Curved display is mostly aesthetic, Charging over anything but Samsung's official charger is slow, TouchWiz still needs a bit more work,
The Galaxy S6 Edge is the first Samsung handset I've used that could genuinely tempt me away from my iPhone. Samsung has addressed the vast majority of my complaints in regards to their older devices, and responded with a sophisticated smartphone that's ...
A design that looks totally different, because no one has curved screens like this; Curved screen is very cool; Built with premium materials; Great performance; Like the S6, an absolutely fantastic and bright screen; One of the best cameras in the busines
Battery could be better and isn't removable; No expandable memory; Water-resistance not part of the package; Curved screen doesn't really feel as useful as it did on the Note Edge; Expensive… very expensive;
Not everyone wants the same phone, and while we can customise the wallpaper, change the ringtone, add a case, throw some stickers on, and do everything possible to the outside to make it a little bit more you, sometimes, that's just not enough.Samsung's G...
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Published: 2015-04-14, Author: Anthony , review by: tweaktown.com
After 48 hours or so with the Galaxy S6 edge, I'm more than impressed. It's a no brainer for me to recommend the S6 edge to anyone who is in the market for a new smartphone. The S6 edge is a no holds barred smartphone of pure luxury, something that can f...
Published: 2015-04-06, Author: Stephen , review by: techguide.com.au
The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is certainly a breath of fresh air when it comes to offering something different to your average smartphone.The step up in build quality is quite obvious and the range of onboard features is excellent.While the curved edge is ni...
The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge's wraparound screen transforms an already great phone into Samsung's best-looking handset. Ever
That supercool design comes with a big price tag, and the screen doesn't deliver any real killer apps. Like the regular S6, the Edge doesn't support swappable batteries or expandable storage
Samsung's striking, high-end Galaxy S6 Edge has the beauty, brains and brawn to take down the iPhone 6 and all the Android competition....
Abstract: Side by side: The HTC One M9, Samsung S6 edge and iPhone 6. Photo: Hannah FrancisThe new Galaxy S6 and S6 edge flagship smartphones, available in Australia from April 10 but with pre-orders already open, mark a big departure from their previous iteration,...