Reviews of Leica SL3-S have collected 3 expert reviews of the Leica SL3-S and the average rating is 90%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Leica SL3-S.
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Abstract: If you're going to whine about the price of the Leica SL3-S, you should probably stop reading right now. Cameras are expensive; luxury cameras even more so. And while the Leica SL3-S is absolutely a luxury camera, it's also a damned good one.Yes, simila...
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Abstract: 徠卡於去年發表的 Leica SL3 在相隔約一年後,帶來了二當家 Leica SL3-S 也就是本篇的主角!SL3-S 的造型與尺碼完全承襲自 SL3,雖然能提供較好的握感,但同時也犧牲了攜帶性;簡單來說 SL3-S 就是降畫素版本的 SL3(60MP),SL3-S 的有效畫素為 24MP(無低通濾鏡),最高可錄製 6K 30p(OG 3:2)影片。 若是跟前代 SL2-S 相比的話,SL3-S 最大的進步莫過於相位檢測(PDAF)、 深度映射(物件檢測AF)和對比度識別(對比度檢測AF) 三大技術的加...
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Published: 2025-01-17, Author: Redactie , review by:
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