Penggunaan material berkualitas serta finishing yang baik, Desain unik yang bisa dikostumisasi, Weight Tuning System, Mendukung fungsi makro dan tersedia 6 buah profil, Tombol tambahan banyak, DPI onthefly, Kabel braided dengan konektor USB goldplated, So
Desain mouse hanya untuk pengguna tangan kanan saja
Desain cukup unik awalnya membuat kami ragu apakah mouse gaming ini cukup nyaman digunakan bermain game ataupun digunakan sehari-hari, selain memang deretan fitur-fiturnya yang cukup mengintimidasi kami pada kotak kemasannya. Namun setelah merasakan kem...
Scroll wheel is smooth, prone to catching at first, Heavy mouse even without the added weights, Those with smaller hands might struggle with the height
We have been impressed with GAMDIAS at Techgage; its products provide extremely good value while still competing with the more established brands. The ZEUS is no different. While on the higher end of the price range, the ZEUS is not the usual premium pric...
Build Quality, Design, Speed & Accuracy (Avago ADNS-9800), 3 Adjustable Side Expansions, 11 Buttons (9 programmable / 11 million clicks), Adjustable Weight System, 32bit Cortex Processor With 512Kb Of Onboard Memory, Illumination, Braided Cable With Gold
Price (For Some), Height (For Some), HERA Control Software (Needs To Be More User Friendly),
When i started using the ZEUS laser gaming mouse i can't say that i liked it much, not at first anyways since it's quite tall and its design is a lot different compared to most similar devices and the fact that I've been using the Sensei gaming mouse for ...
Published: 2014-07-15, Author: Dan , review by:
Abstract: In the case of the Gamdias Zeus, its claim to fame is that, by using gear wheels on the mouse's base, you can adjust the position of the plastic fins that make up the mouse's body — effectively letting you expand or contract the physical width to better s...
Abstract: First of all, the mouse's matt, sculpted styling is incredibly distinctive: it looks like a prop pulled straight from a sci-fi B-movie, but in a very good way. The mouse is beautifully smooth and comfortable to hold, and glides along a mousemat or wooden ...
Gamidas have been trying very hard in creating a unique gaming mouse but they might have lost focus when it comes to ergonomics We would love to see a shape that is suitable almost any kind of hand size Other than that gliding characteristics could be im...
3 independently adjustable side expansions to customize hand size and grip comfort, 11 keys with 9 programmable keys, Modify total weight with five 4.5 g mini weights to enhance mouse control, 32bits ARM Cortex premium microprocessor, Software Customizati
Not wireless, Price
With just a few small issues, the GAMDIAS Zeus Laser Gaming Mouse is an impressive product and very much considerable a high-end gaming mouse. Although the pricing is a bit a "Thinking Twice" point but that's because the mouse features a 32-bits ARM Corte...
Cảm biến DPI cao, Nhiều nút thiết lập, Trọng lượng có thể điều chỉnh, Cảm biến laser cho phép sử dụng trên các vật liệu khác nhau
Gamdias Zeus GMS1100 là chuột chơi game thiết kế lạ và hiệu năng khá tốt. Nhưng vẫn có rất nhiều điểm trừ như: thiết kế thừa 1 số nút, với người dùng mới thì cảm giác cầm đầu tiên hơi lạ, gò bó và cần nhiều thời gian để thích ứng. Trong các bài thử nghiệ...
Definitivamente GAMDIAS ha conseguido aunar la máxima calidad y las más altas prestaciones en un ratón, el ZEUS professional eSport edition, un modelo ideado sin ninguna duda para el público gamer más exigente, por lo que no nos cabe la menor duda de que...