Abstract: Remember when you were a kid and sometimes when you got into big trouble rather than getting scolded your parents say something like, "I'm not mad, just really disappointed." And for some reason that was so much worse than them just grounding you for a...
Abstract: Another year, another set of Grand Theft Auto clones. Sometimes I wonder how so few companies have been able to recreate the fun and atmosphere of GTA, but after playing Driver 76 on the Sony PSP, I think I understand why. Driver 76 is another attempt...
It’s really disheartening (and unfair) to read some of the poor reviews this game has been getting. Sure, Driver ’76 isn’t the end-all-be-all of PSP racing games, but you can’t help but have a fantastic time once you climb behind t...
Abstract: After the extremely disappointing release of DRIV3R and the lukewarm reception of the somewhat better Driver: Parallel Lines, it’s hard to get excited about another Driver game but in different hands (such as Sumo Digital and Ubisoft) as well the fa...
Abstract: If the Driver series was a car, a mechanic might say that it has been riding a bit rough ever since the first title was released. Plagued by horrible controls, lame on-foot sections and stupid AI, the franchise has been mired in mediocrity for a long t...
Abstract: Tyre manufacturers must have loved the 70s. After all, if TV shows of the time are anything to go by, everybody wasnt so much kung fu fighting as powersliding their way around town, lighting up their rear tyres whether they were chasing criminals or ...