Published: 2017-06-20, Author: Oleh , review by:
Abstract: Seiring meningkatnya nilai produksi game-game action, developer ingin agar karyanya bisa dinikmati lebih banyak orang. Akhirnya, mereka mulai berkompromi, membuat gameplay -nya lebih sederhana dan lebih mudah diakses kalangan casual. Hanya ada sedikit s...
Quick Save – Quick Load di versi konsol yang jadi fitur “surga” tersendiri untuk game rentan resiko seperti ini, Desain level yang terbuka, Kebebasan memilih strategi bermain, Replayability, Quick Save – Quick Load di konsol, Puzzle yang menarik, Misi sam
Kami sempat menemukan bug misi yang terjadi karena aktivasi sekuens yang kacau. Game ini belum cukup “cerdas” untuk beradaptasi dengan hal tersebut, Cerita yang tak terlalu menarik, Salah sekuens yang bisa berakhir game yang tak mau berlanjut, Sistem auto
Jadi, pantaskah Dishonored 2 dilirik? Super pantas, apalagi jika Anda termasuk gamer yang sempat menjajal dan mencintai seri pertamanya. Jika Anda belum menjajalnya, kami sendiri merekomendasikan Anda untuk mencicipi Dishonored pertama lebih dulu yang saa...
Abstract: Apa yang membuat sebuah seri sekuel menarik dan pantas untuk dilirik? Apakah sekedar karena ia memuat kelanjutan cerita dari sebuah game yang sudah Anda cicipi sebelumnya? Ataukah ia harus memuat sebuah perubahan yang signifikan dari seri originalnya deng...
Dishonored 2 is a fantastic game that truly allows you to play the game your way. You get to chose your protagonist, your style of play, and your pathway through the missions. This is flexible game play at it's best. The worst part of Dishonored 2 is t...
Dishonored 2 is a fantastic game with a lot to offer but you need to go in more for the gameplay and world rather than the story and character development...
Published: 2016-11-25, Author: Matt , review by:
Abstract: Dishonored 2 got off to an inauspicious start for me. Booting the game up on my PC with a portrait oriented second monitor, I was surprised to see the strange resolution that looked like some bastardization of 800 x 600. There's been a lot of reports of t...
Swiss cheese-style level design, with tons of paths to explore, Both creatively and technically "next-gen," as far as stealth games go
Terrible performance in busy plazas and outdoor areas, Generic plot saddled with even worse voice acting
Dishonored 2 understands level design. That's the takeaway here. Not much has been changed, especially if you're playing Corvo. It's just a bigger, bolder version of Dishonored, one mastercrafted stealth gauntlet after another paired with some excelle...
Published: 2016-11-18, Author: Ben , review by:
Abstract: It has been an exceptionally noisy year for first-person video games. “Overwatch,” “DOOM,” “Titanfall 2,” “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,” “Far Cry: Primal,” “Battlefield 1” – if you like to blast things in the face, 2016 has over delivered.But those wit...