Abstract: Battlefield V akhirnya siap membawa fitur Battle Royale tanggal 25 maret mendatang, dimana mereka menyebutnya sebagai Firestorm. Meski, ada sedikit keraguan diantara penggemar, karena fitur ini tampaknya akan berbayar dan bisa menjadi penghalang bagi para...
Meskipun masih terbilang sangat baru, Battlefield V memiliki banyak nilai positif bagi penggemar, terlebih lagi dalam hal sisi gameplay yang terasa jauh lebih seru dan menantang. Meski, potensi kehebatan dalam game ini akan bisa dirasakan ketika kamu suda...
Abstract: Selalu punya identitas unik di tengah persaingan game-game FPS bertema militer, terlepas dari tema apapun yang hendak mereka usung, Battlefield memang selalu punya tempat yang khusus di hati gamer. Namun seolah berkebalikan dengan Battlefield 1 yang menda...
Abstract: Jika kamu memilki akun origin, maka kamu bisa memainkan game terbaru Battlefield V lebih awal, dimana kamu sudah bisa memainkannya sejak tanggal 10 November 2018 kemarin. Tentu, ini bisa menjadi kesempatan emas bagi para pelanggan setia EA Games melalui O...
Abstract: EA dan DICE baru saja mengumumkan melalui situs resmi EA bahwa mode battle royale Battlefield 5 yang diberi nama “Firestorm”, tidak akan dirilis hingga Maret 2019.Pada perilisan konten Battlefield 5 yang dilepas oleh DICE beberapa waktu silam, Firestorm t...
DLSS feels like the glee of a big, fat tax refund being granted by the IRS. You get to enjoy your RTX-enabled content with significantly improved performance across the board for this game. We see performance gains in the neighborhood of 20-30 percent, w...
After specifically testing our three CPUs in the last few weeks, we are 100% confident in all the results we have published. We thank our readers for the criticism, as it allowed us a better overall lens to see Battlefield V multiplayer performance throug...
New levels of visual appeal, Adds life to the gaming environment, Pushes new levels of immersion, Improvements should continue
Stiff performance penalty, Still feels like there's more that can be optimized
DICE and NVIDIA worked relatively quickly to address many of the issues of the initial RTX implementation in Battlefield V, including performance. That said, we still believe things will continue to evolve moving forward. NVIDIA's RTX technology is blazin...
Published: 2018-12-12, Author: Dean , review by: venturebeat.com
Abstract: Electronic Arts' DICE studio has released The Last Tiger, the latest vignette of the War Stories single-player episodes of Battlefield V.I thought I would do something different and create a video of the highlights of The Last Tiger, along with audio narr...
Abstract: This DXR patch and driver performance analysis is the follow-up to BTR's Battlefield V PC Game and Performance Review. We found that the Ultra DXR reflections looked incredible but unfortunately, they killed performance and made the War Stories largely...