Abstract: PoPoLoCrois (Sony PSP)Genre: RPG "Long, long ago when dragons ruled the skies and fairies roamed the forest ...there was a kingdom called PoPoLoCrois." From the moment the UMD loads in your PSP, PoPoLoCrois grabs you and pulls you ...
Abstract: Having never been released stateside, the PoPoLoCrois games (two, that is) have been given a once over and ported into one title, landing squarely on the platform sorely lacking in RPGs, the PSP. And while this is truly an RPG, players need to leave th...
Abstract: September 2005 by Corbie Dillard Publisher: Agetec Developer: SCEIRelease Date: October, 2005ESRB Rating: "E" for EveryoneGenre: RPGPrice: $39.99 Until now, the PoPoLoCrois series of RPGs (Role Playing Games) has been exclusive to the Japanese gamers t...
Abstract: Published May 26th 2006. Written by Johelian. Popular Japanese franchise is finally ported across to join the PSP’s ever-growing stable of RPGsGraphicsWhen we consider that Popolocrois started life on the PSone, it comes as no surprise that its PSP inc...
Abstract: Sonys konsoler har för mig kommit att bli synonymt med de bästa rollspelen tack vare serier som Final Fantasy och Dragon Quest. Därför blev jag riktigt nyfiken när jag först läste om PoPoLoCrois, och hoppades att det skulle kunna bli ett av de där...