Testseek.com have collected 677 expert reviews of the Sony Xperia Z and the average rating is 83%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Sony Xperia Z.
February 2013
677 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Tahan debu dan air
Layar jernih dan tajam
Bodi kokoh
Performa memuaskan
Desain elegan
Semua sisi dilapisi kaca
Anti air dan debu
Terdapat fitur Power Management
Kencang dengan Snapdragon S4 Pro
Kamera resolusi tinggi dengan sensor terbaru
Layar resolusi tinggi ditambah Bravia Engine 2
HDR Video
Tahan air dan debu
Desain baru dengan tempered glass
Small App
Bodi elegan
Performa dahsyat
Hasil kamera berkualitas
Layar 5 inci dengan resolusi Full HD
Kamera 13 MP dan 1080p
Quadcore 1.5GHz
Performa superior
Tangguh dan tahan air
Tahan air dan debu (dalam kondisi tertentu)
Layar 5 inci Full HD dengan Bravia Engine dengan warna putih yang natural
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean
Performa top
Hasil kamera bagus
Ada slot Micro SD
The editors didn't like
Ergonomisnya dipertanyakan
Terkesan kaku dan besar bagi anda yang bertangan mungil
Tidak memiliki shutter kamera untuk mengambil gambar di dalam air
Layar dalam pandangan miring
Menjadi terlihat kurang cerah/tajam
Debu mudah melekat pada layar kaca
Walau dapat di bersihkan dengan sapu jagat air
Harga premium
Bodi mudah kotor
Sudut pandang layar sempit
Harga relatif mahal
Meski tergolong terlambat meluncurkan produk smartphone quadcore namun langkah Sony menghadirkan Xperia Z cukup berhasil mencuri perhatian. Apalagi Xperia Z menjadi salah satu yang pertama mengusung layar 5 inci di kelas q
Batere tidak removable
Viewing angle
Kepekatan warna hitam dan tingkat kontras layar kalah dibanding ponsel kelas atas lain
Abstract: Since the Samsung Galaxy S4 finally landed at our office several weeks ago, we've been having quite a lot of fun with it. First we gave it a full-blown review treatment and then we compared it to some of the smartphones it will be going toe to toe aga...
Possibly the best phone in the world, the Xperia Z offers many very appealing features – especially its 5-inch full HD screen, slim waterproof design and amazing camera. And yet it isn’t the perfect phone. It’s too large for some users, and the poor er...
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Published: 2013-03-30, Author: Tim , review by: neowin.net
There's nothing wrong with the Sony Xperia Z per se, in fact in most respects it's quite good, delivering the most refined Sony smartphone design yet in a package with fast internals, a decent camera and a crisp display. The inclusion of a microSD card...
Abstract: There are a lot of Sony fans out there, and all of them are ready to swear by the awesomeness of the Xperia Z. However, are those numerous fans supporting Sony because they believe in the Xperia Z, or simply because the Sony brand strikes a chord with ...
Abstract: MUST READSAMSUNG GALAXY S4 REVIEW The Galaxy S4 – the hottest Android smartphone right now... We're so happy that we had the chance to check this guy out early on! Not only did we enjoy it, but we also managed to get a lot of content done for you guys....
Published: 2013-03-28, Author: Andrew , review by: mobileburn.com
Abstract: Sponsored links, if any, appear in green. The needs to be a hit. Sony has been a giant in consumer electronics for decades, but the company's reputation for quality products hasn't translated to success in the Android smartphone race. Despite CEO Kaz ...
Abstract: Sony Xperia Z and the HTC One will be one of the main flagship competitors this season, so a thorough comparison is warranted to help you choose.The HTC One flaunts novel ideas like the UltraPixel camera and stereo speaker system at the front, to which...
Abstract: Smartphone cameras have improved tremendously over the years and nowadays you can easily replace a point and shoot camera with your smartphone, especially if most of the photos you take are during the day and you are not too pretentious about image qua...
Abstract: Smartphone screens have become increasingly larger, for a good reason. You can now do a lot more things with the smartphone: surf the web, interact with your social network, play games, watch high-definition videos, listen to music. Sony's latest Android...
Sony absolutely deserved its award for launching the best smartphone at CES 2013. But now it's a few months after that. The HTC One exists, the Samsung Galaxy S 4 is on its way and who knows what else will pop up in the next few months. Its hardware stack...