Testseek.com have collected 871 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-N960 Galaxy Note 9 and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-N960 Galaxy Note 9.
August 2018
871 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
698 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Kinerja tinggi
Fitur sangat lengkap
S Pen multifungsi
Kamera mumpuni
Fitur S Pen remote yang sangat berguna
Kemampuan kamera sangat bisa diandalkan
Perekaman video juga mumpuni
Fitur video stabilization sangat membantu menstabilkan hasil video
Desain premium dan ergonomis
Kaya fitur
Layar tajam dan kuat
Kamera utama bagus dengan fitur lengkap
Peningkatan pada S-Pen
Dukungan fitur Samsung DeX
Sertifikasi IP68
Layar mewah
Baterai cukup tahan lama
Kualitas kamera ok
Performa memuaskan
Speaker kencang
Fitur lengkap
Desain cantik
Performa dan kamera yang memuaskan
Memori lega
S Pen punya banyak fungsi
Desain premium
Layar Super AMOLED 6
4 inci yang keren
Penyimpanan besar hingga 512 GB
Fitur S-Pen kini lebih lengkap dan inovatif
Hasil kamera bagus
The editors didn't like
Harga tinggi
Daya tahan baterai standar
Cenderung boros
Desain masih sama seperti pendahulunya
Ukuran sensor sidik jari terlalu kecil dan posisinya terlalu dekat kamera
Bodi mudah kotor oleh bercak jari
Minim inovasi
Agak sedikit berat
Bixby masih kurang bagus
Editor Rating
Rated 4.5 stars
Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Diulas oleh
Firman Nugraha
Dirilis pada
September 3
Terakhir diperbarui
Desain tidak jauh berbeda dari Galaxy Note 8
Bodi kaca terasa licin dan mudah kotor
Posisi fingerprint masih kurang nyaman
Ada sedikit jeda yang mengganggu saat memotret
Tidak terlalu banyak perbedaan dibanding Galaxy Note 8
Abstract: The Galaxy Note 9 is Samsung's largest phone by screen size, and continues a recent tradition of borrowing heavily to iterate forward.The South Korean tech giant has now entered into a predictable pattern. The company may present the Galaxy S and Galaxy N...
Impressive specs, Stellar display, Stylus functionally remains top tier
Expensive, especially in Canada, Not that much of an upgrade over the Note 8, Camera improvements are marginal
Regardless of how you look at the device, Samsung's Note 9 is an iterative, albeit very good update to an already stellar smartphone. While I don't often like to assume what readers are looking for from a smartphone, whether or not the Note 9 is for you w...
The Note 9 represents a foray beyond the smartphone in your pocket that looks to the future where a smartphone is roomy enough to carry all your files, power you through two days of calls, messaging and apps plus can elegantly recreates desktop PC experie...
Abstract: If you were expecting Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 to be the exciting, innovative step forward the smartphone space desperately needs right now, the South Korean tech giant's latest handset is not that device.It seems that Samsung's always interesting, but oft...
Abstract: Decisions, decisions, decisions. The holiday season is upon us and 'tis the season of joy and happiness. But it could also be one of the most stressful events each year because them presents won't buy themselves, will they? That's why we decided to pitch in and hopefully make some of those decisions easier for you...
To conclude, I would like to reiterate the fact that the Galaxy Note 9 is still a beast of a device. The S Pen fans will appreciate the fact that the smartphone allows them to jot down quick notes, doodle or even use it to remotely control media playback...
Abstract: Sell your proper camera gear, phones can take portraits just as well already. This has been a popular claim to put in catchy headlines for the past couple of years, only to be totally debunked in the actual article or at the very least watered down with a...
Obviously, if you want to buy a smartphone either for you or for someone else - there is plenty to choose from. In fact, the market is so oversaturated that it can get you headaches before you reach a decision.And we really hope our guide has helped you s...