Testseek.com have collected 846 expert reviews of the Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge and the average rating is 87%. Scroll down and see all reviews for Samsung SM-G925 Galaxy S6 Edge .
March 2015
846 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
630 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Desain yang sangat keren
Khususnya warna Gold
Layar lengkung dua sisi
Kamera resolusi tinggi
Desain menarik dengan material premium dan layar melengkung
Kinerja sangat tinggi
Dibekali salah satu kamera terbaik di ranah smartphone
Isi baterai cepat
Desain elegan dengan balutan metal dan Gorilla Glass 4
Tepian dengan layar lengkung yang inovatif
Kamera superior
Memiliki desain mewah bernuansa metal
Kemampuan kamera yang dimiliki telah dilengkapi dengan beragam fitur menarik
Mendukung Fast Charging
Memiliki desain ergonomis yang nyaman untuk digenggam
Dilengkapi dengan sensor sidik jari
Desain eksotis dengan layar lengkung
Kinerja gegas
Layar besar
Fitur layar lengkung bertambah
Kinerja cepat
Kualitas foto bagus
Desain menarik dan mewah
Penyimpanan 64 GB
Kamera impresif
Performa bagus
Desain unik dan mewah
The editors didn't like
– Layar lengkung suka tersentuh tanpa sadar disaat genggaman
– Bodi dapat lekas panas
Kegunaan layar lengkung relatif terbatas
Kurang nyaman dalam genggaman tangan
Suhu tinggi saat mengisi baterai
Tak ada slot microSD sehingga menyulitkan ekspansi media penyimpanan
Harga relatif mahal
Tidak ada FM Radio
Harga terlalu tinggi
Hadir sebagai hasil pemikiran Project Zero
Samsung sukses membuat Galaxy S6 Edge keluar dari pakem yang selama ini mengikatnya. Tidak hanya berani membawa desain elegan berbalut material metal dan la
Tidak memiliki slot microSD
Lapisan metal pada smartphone membuat sedikit licin bila digenggam dengan tangan yang berkeringat
Good, Fantastic performance, Unmatched original style, Incredible camera
No microSD slot, Difficult to grip securely
Ultimately, Samsung decided to play it safe and offer two different versions of its Galaxy S6 flagship; one with the new curved screen and one without. This is one time when we're actually happy that the company has launched multiple similar models - this...
Abstract: Samsung can't innovate, right? It just copies whatever Apple does, repackaging the Cupertino firm's genius designs for the less-discerning masses and wrapping them in plastic shells. Plastic! The horror!A slightly unfair stereotype, maybe, but not one wit...
With the Galaxy Note Edge, Samsung was offering a cutting edge device to early adopters - what should have been a prototype became a retail product. The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is on a similar path though this time its mass market destiny is not under ques...
Abstract: Samsung's Galaxy S6 is a fantastic smartphone. But maybe you find it boring. Maybe it's disappointing that the new Android standard-bearer looks so much like an Apple product. If that's the case, perhaps the Galaxy S6 Edge is more your speed.The S6 Edge...
Abstract: We had the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge with us for a short time so we took a stroll though Barcelona with a Galaxy Note Edge for an impromptu shootout. We took some photos and videos and you will find the direct comparisons on the following pages.The Galaxy S6...
Abstract: With the dust slowly settling after the initial clamor of the MWC announcement of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6, we got to spend a few more relaxed moments with the Korean flagship pair. While they're impressive from any angle, we tried to focus on ...
Abstract: Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 edge are among the most important product launches for the company in quite some time. At a time of unprecedented levels of competition, the duo has the task to bring back the good times for the Korean giant.The past quarte...
Published: 2015-06-18, Author: Kevin , review by: maxit.com.my
Abstract: The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge earns its moniker on account of the fact that its screen is curved on both edges. It's a clear departure from anything Samsung has ever made before.The S6 edge comes in multiple different hues including the new Emerald Green and...
Abstract: The Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is probably the most talked about phone in 2015 due to its revolutionary design of having dual-edge on the screen. I wasn't impressed at all with the S6 edge at the time of Mobile World Conference but I grew to love this phone a...