An extremely coollooking and sounding shooter, Lots of gameplay mechanics add depth to the shooting experience, A huge variety of ranged annd melee weapons, plus lots of equippable skills and upgrades, Xbox Play Anywhere
More quests and optional objectives would minimise repetition, No voice acting during cutscenes, Having to sometimes reassign skill points feels like busywork
Published: 2017-10-20, Author: Rhys , review by:
Abstract: I consider myself a relatively peaceful, normal person. My life isn't totally filled with chaos, and I live a comfortable life. And yet, ever since I started playing the twin-stick 3D shooter Ruiner, I've had a phrase seared into my brain: “KILL BOSS”. On...
Abstract: Regardless of whether we're talking about indie titles, AAA franchises, VR experiences or even board games - there's a lot to be said about “the vibe” of a game. It's like good lighting in a photograph, adding a rich sort of accentuation to things and dra...
Komplexe Steuerung bietet zahlreiche Kampfoptionen, Actionreiche Auseinandersetzungen, Scharfe Texturen, Tolle Lichteffekte, Fordernder Schwierigkeitsgrad, Viele unterschiedliche Waffengattungen, Guter und stimmiger Soundtrack, Xbox Play Anywhere ohne zus
Schwache Inszenierung der Geschichte, Keine Sprachausgabe, Eintönige Levelgestaltung, Monotone Nebenmissionen, Teilweise unübersichtlich
Waghalsiges VorhabenFreunde von Top-Down-Shootern finden seit dem 26. September 2017 einen weiteren heißen Kandidaten für ihre Xbox One Spielesammlung. Sein Name: Ruiner. Die Aufgabe: Den Boss töten! Was sich hinter der augenscheinlich dürftigen Aufgabens...