Same fantastic gameplay, amazing multiplayer, sleek Wii instruments
Lack of online play, no band customisation, less than stellar visuals The Final Word The only reason a Wii owner has to not invest in Rock Band is if they already own the 360 or PS3 version; otherwise, its a no-brainer for sure.
The only reason a Wii owner has to not invest in Rock Band is if they already own the 360 or PS3 version; otherwise, its a no-brainer for sure.
Still fun to play with friends, but the watering down of features on Wii is a big disappointment. 7.3/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake....
Abstract: Rock Band was released late last year in the United States and has slowly been making its way around the world since then. Weve listened to those who have been rocking out already, and weve seen constant updates for the music store from the American...
Well designed Band Tour structure that encourages co-operation and rewards determination. Excellent Overdrive aspect that allows players to stay in the game. Awesome track list. Crazy rock finishing moves and a solid emphasis on fun. Did we mention its ch...
Drums are noisy. Fender guitar a bit clunky. Everyone is rated by the lowest difficulty. The more advanced guitar players will find it too easy. Its arrived a year behind the US.