Abstract: Advertisement: Story continues below id Software, the creator of seminal gaming series including Doom and Quake, are back after seven years with a fresh twist on the corridor-shooter genre the developer is famed for pioneering. Rage takes place in...
Gorgeous texture detail; wellacted and animated NPCs; impressive arsenal of customisable weaponry
Intricately animated and acted characters are let down by the lacking story they sit in; driving minigames are fun but the vehicle physics feel tacked on
Gorgeous texture detail; well-acted and animated NPCs; impressive arsenal of customisable weaponry
Intricately animated and acted characters are let down by the lacking story they sit in; driving mini-games are fun but the vehicle physics feel tacked on
Stunning environments to explore, A fun if simple shooter balances RPG and Driving aspects incredibly well, Imaginative gadgets to use in fire-fights, Clever enemies weave around bullets to keep battles tense
Doesn't stretch into the lore of the land too often, Struggles to challenge thanks to quick health regeneration and Defibrillator revival kit
Abstract: Name: Genre: Platform: £27.50 from id Software make great shooters. We all know that. Christ, they practically invented the first person genre with Wolfenstein, and the gaming world has never looked back. With Rage, the godfathers of gun-touting gamin...
Bleeding-edge graphics, Immersive world and fascinating mix of styles, Classic iD action at the core
Some gameplay elements fall slightly flat, Oddly old-fashioned, Lacks the big drama of rival FPS blockbusters
Rage is a strange mix of cutting-edge tech and slightly retro gameplay, combining a number of game styles that don't always 100% work. Yet the core combat is fantastic, the world itself is absorbing and the weapons and ammo combinations just get better th...
Abstract: Having dedicating most of my teenage years to games like Doom and Quake, it’s difficult not to bring up id Software’s pioneering history. Although they didn’t create the original first-person shooter game (that honour would have to go to Maze War in 19...
Abstract: Die Welt steht wieder einmal am Abgrund und die Menschen versuchen nur zu überleben. Ein riesiger Asteroid steuert auf die Erde zu und die Bewohner flüchten in Archen tief unter der Erdoberfläche. Jahre vergehen und die Welt gleicht einem Trümmerfeld, ...