Compelling stealth mechanics that require real skill, Execution moves serve as a grisly reward for a job well done, Gritty visual design sets just the right tone of anxiety and dread.
In most of the executions, you cant really see whats going on, Loose gunplay isnt as tight or as satisfying as the sneaking, The story isnt very scary or foreboding.
Its not as shocking as youd expect, but Manhunt 2 still satisfies your primal instincts. ...
Abstract: Easily one of the most controversial games released this year, Manhunt has had quite a bit of unfavorable hype surrounding it for quite some time. Now that the game is reaching its release date this week, we finally get a chance to see how well everyth...
Abstract: Ever since it was announced earlier this year, Manhunt 2 has courted controversy. Creating a sequel to one of the most gruesome, dark and unique stealth action titles ever made could easily be seen as a beacon for watch groups to decry video game viole...
Good voice work; interesting setting and characters.
Boring combat; distorted visuals rob the executions of any impact.
Manhunt 2 is Rockstars second foray into the ole ultraviolence. While Grand Theft Auto often sets the news agencies ablaze with its carjacking and murdering of sex workers, its Manhunt that really gets the watchdogs blood boiling. Much like Alex fr...
Abstract: VIDEO: Head over to our videos page to check out all Manhunt 2 footage!The original Manhunt was a disturbing game. Not so much because of all the time spent stabbing guys in the eye with broken glass, but because of its premise and atmosphere. Being fo...
Motion-sensing assassinations are interesting, games atmosphere is good
Clunky controls, mediocre graphics and repetitive gameplay The Final Word If youre into movies like Eli Roths Hostel then this games right up your alley. But, if youre looking for a thriller with a little more substance, you might want to look else...
If youre into movies like Eli Roths Hostel then this games right up your alley. But, if youre looking for a thriller with a little more substance, you might want to look elsewhere.
Not so much a great game as a gruesomely compelling experience. And even this cut version isn’t for the squeamish. 7.3/10Print this pageUser reviews (0)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake....
Manhunt 2 is flawed and littered with things that are plain nasty. But if you can see past its flaws and revel in its evilness, you’re sure to have a grim but fun time. Plus it’s banned, and we all know only the cool things in life get banned...
Abstract: Censored beyond recognition (but with good reason) Manhunt 2 is a dull, formulaic sequel that loses everything that made its predecessor worth defendingWhile released without incident in the majority of Canada, the original Manhunt is noteworthy as th...