Abstract: Logitech has added another gaming accessory to its 'G Pro' gaming accessories portfolio in India. The brand has announced the availability of the G Pro gaming mouse for avid PC gamers. It is touted to be designed in collaboration with over 50 E-Sports pro...
Abstract: Straight out of the gate, the Logitech G Pro is small, lightweight and formidable in its own right. It features similar technology to the higher echelon of G Series gaming mice like the G900 and G903. While the top tier Logitech G gaming mice does come wi...
Trimming the fatLogitech has done a commendable job with the G Pro Gaming Mouse and Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. The two are hardly perfect, but we like this practical approach of prioritizing functionality over the most eye-catching design.All things cons...
Trimming the fatLogitech has done a commendable job with the G Pro Gaming Mouse and Mechanical Gaming Keyboard. The two are hardly perfect, but we like this practical approach of prioritizing functionality over the most eye-catching design.All things cons...
Abstract: Logitech, một thương hiệu quá đỗ i quen thuộc với hầu hết người dùng tại thị trường Việt Nam, thương hiệu này có một danh mục phụ kiện, thiết bị ngoại vi máy tính với rất nhiều sản phẩm đã tạo nên thương hiệu của hãng. Nếu như trước đây, Logitech nổi tiến...
罗技G Pro Wireless给我的感受除了直观上的轻,更有细节上的精。罗技在无线游戏鼠标上早已度过了开拓的阶段,目前正是对于整个产品线的精雕细琢与补强。罗技G Pro Wireless填补了无线游戏鼠标方面最专业的电竞级领域的空白,可以说这款外观平平无奇的鼠标,其一切设计就是为了极致的操作体验。在轻量化、续航与能效的提升、传感器性能的挖掘、以及针对职业级别的键位设计等方面,我们能够看到罗技G Pro Wireless高屋建瓴的突破。这是精准的产品定位与雄厚的技术实力所造就的。这些方方面面的突破能给上至...