• Only £12 for arguably the best PSN game to date; • Choose from four character classes that have amazing abilities upgraded through out the game; • Customize your own character and take him online to face the world ;
• Lag issues that could be fixed with a update ; • Sore fingers and thumbs because its aggressively addictive;
Fat Princess is a victim of its own focused creativity. It may have visual appeal and at first seem to offer a lot but it doesn’t take long to realise proceedings are rather dull; matches last a ridiculously long amount of time. In tiny bursts there...
Abstract: If you like chaotic action with a dash of tactical planning, if you like your multiplayer games to be accessible, violent and fun, or if you simply like your princesses as big as a house, then Sony’s latest network offering will be for you.Fat Princess...
Very charming, fun cartoon violence. Each class is important, and enjoyable to play. Simple, yet entertaining combat. Some really cool and strategically interesting maps. Being part of a well organised team can be very satisfying.
No tutorial. Without a headset team communication is almost impossible and therefore a lot of games can be chaotic and frustrating. Connectivity issues, host dropping and lag problems. Still has a few noticeable bugs.
Abstract: If you happen to love large women and cartoon violence then I have great news for you; Fat Princess has recently been released for the Playstation Network (PSN) and its absolutely adorable. This team-based capture the flag (or princess) game is a lot...
1A Humor, Einfache Steuerung, Nette Präsentation im ComicStil, Preis
Mehrspielerabhängig, und somit, weniger spassig für Einzelkämpfer
Wir hatten in unserem Preview wieder einmal recht: das Spiel hält, was die Demo versprochen hat, und liefert witzigen -Onlinespielspaß zum kleinen Preis für bis zu 32 Spieler in vier unterschiedlichen Levels. „Fat Princess“ – ein weiteres Highlight im ...
Abstract: Capture the Fat meets Capture the Flag: Mit Kuchen vollgestopfte Prinzessinnen müssen von einer kuntenbunten Kriegerschar in ein gut befestigtes Schloss gewuchtet werden. Dabei geht es überaus witzig, schräg und blutig zur Sache. Ein Pflicht-Download f...
Abstract: Egentligen borde Fat Princess sågas med fotknölarna. Jag hade sett fram emot det länge, mycket för den sköna grafiska stilen och den knäppa uppgiften att trycka i en prinsessa kaka för att hon ska bli tyngre. Det såg så otroligt charmigt ut. ...
Abstract: Barnsligt och blodigt Fat Princess är ett digitalt distribuerat spel som kan laddas ner till PS3 från Playstation Network. Sony har lyckats jobba upp en viss hajp för spelet, huvudsakligen tack vare dess design. Spelidén hämtas från klassiska matchba...