Sensational camera and shoots in 5.4K,Four-sided obstacle avoidance,Light and compact to carry,Quiet in flight,
Licensing is a bit complicated,
The new DJI Air 2S is a sensational camera drone in every respect, from the quality of its ungraded camera to the plethora of advanced in-flight features. If you're in the market for an affordable compact drone that flies beautifully and shoots pristine v...
Published: 2021-04-15, Author: James , review by:
1-inch 20 MP sensor, Great image quality, Small and lightweight
Controller isn't foldable, Image edges slightly soft, No adjustable aperture
By combining the DJI Mavic Air 2's compact design and the Mavic 2 Pro's image quality, the Air 2S is now the best all-round drone you can buy. It delivers several new features over the Mavic Air 2, including a large 20MP 1-inch sensor and digital zoom, an...
1-inch sensor offers super pictures,Advanced obstacle avoidance,Portable and easy to carry around,31 minute battery life,ND filters in the Fly More combo are a nice touch
It's not exactly cheap
To get a 1-inch sensor in a DJI drone used to mean spending over four-figures and going with something quite big. Granted, the older Mavic 2 Pro is still foldable, but it's nowhere near as compact as the Air 2S.What's more, the new Air drone still feature...
Captures sharp images, Strong details from its 5.4K video, Pro level clips with Mastershots, Fun and safe to fly
Camera can sometimes hunt for focus
Yes, you won't find a better drone for the money. All of the upgrades make it a standout model in the world of drones by balancing performance, safety features, usability, and price.Editors' RecommendationsDJI Air 2S enters pro territory with its one-inch...
Abstract: Even if you have no good reason to justify buying one, you have to admit that drones are cool. Some are glorified tech toys, but the models we highlight here are fit for use in imaging and cinematic applications small and large. If you think you can use a...
Published: 2021-04-20, Author: Wilson , review by:
Abstract: All eyes have been on DJI for a much-awaited Mavic 3 drone for a while, so it took quite a lot of people by surprise when the Chinese drone maker instead launched its mid-range model, the DJI Air 2S, recently.Sitting between the Mini 2 for the budget-co...
Abstract: 从明朝的万户、近代的莱特兄弟到如今的嫦娥登月,人类从未间断对天空的向往。现在,买上一张机票,你就能乘坐飞机登上万里高空,一日千里。除飞机外,人类对于天空的想象从未停止,跳伞、滑翔翼、无人机都是人类飞天梦的延伸。提起无人机,就不得不提到该行业的领军企业——大疆,无论是消费级产品还是专业级产品,它的出现直接改写了无人机的行业标准。时隔一年,Air 2迎来产品升级,4月15日,大疆发布全新的DJI Air 2S,它搭载了目前世界上最小的一英寸影像系统,这款产品的实际表现究竟如何,笔者在有限的时间内帮...
Abstract: 今年的无人机爱好者们真是有福了,上个月才刚见识了大疆的DJI FPV无人机,这次他们又带来了无人机里Air系列的又一新作——大疆DJI Air 2S。外观就外观来说,大疆DJI Air 2S(以下简称Air 2)与上一代产品Mavic Air 2(Air 2)真的是难辨雄雌,变化虽有但差异不多,主要就体现在桨叶的颜色,机身尾部的上方多了一组避障传感器和相机的规格尺寸,机身重量Air 2S也只比Air 2重30g,遥控器的外观也差别不大,Air 2S的遥控器仅仅多了一个悬停功能的图标。外形差别不大因此产品命...
“一有尽有”非常值得买到此为止,我们关于DJI Air 2S无人机的评测和分享就告一段落了。从命名上,可以看到这款无人机是Mavic Air 2的升级版,但是它却带来了很大的变革,让普通消费者可以体验到更轻、更小、更强大、更智能的一英寸无人机产品。DJI Air 2S确实做到了“一有尽有”,不论是无人机的配置、无人机的性能、无人机的智能程度和无人机的拍摄素质,在这个价位已经没有竞争对手了。此外,DJI Air 2S还可以购买DJI Care售后服务,其中的新增飞丢保障权益绝对是用户的福音。在使用过程中,发...