Disco Elysium is a unique blend of noir-detective fiction, traditional pen-and-paper RPGs, and a large helping of existentialist theory. Its twisting plot, cast of memorable characters, and sheer depth of choice combine to create an experience that begs t...
Interactive storytelling at its finest and most literal, A fantastic world to explore, A game that makes you enjoy failure as much as success, Incredible graphics and audio to complement it too
Some recordings aren't the best quality, Timers might stress some people out
It's impossible not to fall for Disco Elysium, from its intriguing murder detective work to the world it depicts, not to mention the voices inside your own head. It's an experience that could easily make the top of some Game of Year lists and for good rea...
I've never laughed this much while playing a game. Well-read, nihilistic, dark, and intellectual, Disco Elysium is like your favorite poli-sci professor huffed paint and ran naked through the quad...
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Published: 2019-11-19, Author: Chris , review by: impulsegamer.com
Disco didn't die, but someone did and you have to find out who and whodunnit!Police PoliticsLike many of us older gamers, I grew up on adventure games. Point and click style from Sierra and Lucasarts through to the R.P.G. styling of Fallout and Baldur's...
Abstract: Running against and oft-violently disrupting the grain of milquetoast rah-rah militarism and the stagnant status quo that's prominent in most modern AAA video games, Disco Elysium actively rejects and crusades against the naive notion that games can't be...
I also wish Disco Elysium were shorter, if only because I'd love to play through it as a completely different character on a completely different trajectory. Pick up a smoking habit! Tell everyone I lost my memory! Beat people up! I rarely get to replay g...
Published: 2019-12-31, Author: Rick , review by: Bit-Tech.net
Abstract: This is very much a personal list, although I've considered it at some length Nonetheless, feel free to share your own favourites in the comments section. I'd love to see how your decade has differed from mine.In retrospect, it was absurd to think Mass Ef...
An utterly original RPG that sets new genre standards for exploration and conversation systems, and a brilliantly written tragicomedy about our inability to let go of the linchpins of our identity. Even when they hurt us...
Published: 2019-10-23, Author: Rick , review by: Bit-Tech.net
Abstract: Disco Elysium is an RPG in which rather than gathering your party before venturing forth, you instead gather your thoughts. It's part CRPG, part epic choose-your-own-adventure-novel, part alternate socio-political history of the last 100 years, and part m...