Abstract: Midnight. Diablo 3 is downloaded, installed, and awaiting the witching hour when the servers unlock so I can begin my descent into Hell. The time comes. I enter my Battle.net login info, click "Play," and... get a message that "The servers are busy at ...
Abstract: There are few series capable of maintaining interest after over a decade of hiatus, with every scrap of new information poured over by a throng of gamers in anticipation of the next release. Diablo is one of those series, instilling such a compulsory n...
Abstract: “A promising game that has great graphics and a great gameplay” are the words that can be used to describe Diablo 3. Currently the game is in development but the first preview of Diablo 3 was shown in Blizzard Entertainment Worldwide in Paris...
Abstract: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/craving/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/amazon-product-in-a-post-plugin/inc/aws_signed_request.ph...
Abstract: That's not the only thing that will make players wonder where the developers have been since Diablo II came out in 2000. The topdown, god's-eye perspective takes some readjustment after years of battling from protagonist's point of view. Forget about the ...
Abstract: Read later The epic fantasy genre has matured in the last decade, thanks to writers like mastermind George R.R. Martin who are less interested in the eternal conflict between good and evil than in the gray areas in between. Video games have followe...