Despite its seemingly endless complexities, Deathloop is one of the most confidently designed games I've ever played. Arkane Studios has crafted a world made of ideas linked by meaningful connections; time influences space, space influences tactics, and t...
Abstract: After the long wait, Sony finally unveils the new PlayStation 5 for the first time. That said, the console does not look anything like its predecessor but boasts a look that is alienated, different and unique to a point that it can definitely stand out fr...
Abstract: Greetings, traveler, and welcome to the September edition of the HardwareZone Games Playlist. And that's how you know I've been playing too much Face Hunter in Hearthstone. Yes, I know it's hardly the most innovative deck out there, but it gets the job d...
Abstract: Earlier this morning, Sony hosted its latest State of Play stream for February, which showed off several updated trailers for previously announced titles, though it also had a bunch of brand-new releases interspersed between them. Needless to say, the hi...
Abstract: There are an eye-popping amount of games coming out in 2021, and it can be a little hard to sort through all of them. From fun co-op adventures like It Takes Two to blockbuster action titles like Gotham Knights, this is a hard year in gaming to top in ter...
Abstract: In case you missed it, the PlayStation 5 reveal event held earlier today did way more than show us what Sony's next-gen console looked like - it also bombarded fans with tons and tons of game reveals and announcements. Accordingly, it can be somewhat diff...
Spannende Story, Fesselndes Worldbuilding, Witzige Dialoge und Texte, Knifflige Rätsel, Kreative Zeitspielereien, Riesiges Arsenal, Nützliche und spaßige Fähigkeiten, Gelungener MultiplayerKniff, Viele Freiheiten, Unauffälliges Leiten in die richtige Rich
Viele unbeantwortete Fragen, Zu wenig Zufall, Teils schwache KI, Repetitives Gameplay, Kein Inventarmanagement, Schallgedämpfte Waffen zu stark, Gelegentliche Abstürze
Deathloop ist ein bisschen wie Urlaub. Zu Anfang ist alles neu, wunderschön und alles glänzt. Doch irgendwann blättert die Fassade ab und die schwarzen Flecken im Bad sind eben doch Schaben und keine interessante Maserung in den Fliesen. Das macht den Url...
Published: 2021-10-01, Author: Christian , review by:
Mit Deathloop hat Arkane Lyon ein Spiel geschaffen, das den Mut besitzt, sich an Serien-Größen des Studios zu Bedienen und so Fähigkeiten von Dishonored und Prey ins Spiel zu integrieren und diese mit einer großer Portion Neuerung neu zu erfinden. Auf die...