Testseek.com have collected 462 expert reviews of the BlackBerry Z10 and the average rating is 74%. Scroll down and see all reviews for BlackBerry Z10.
462 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
33 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Performa mengalami peningkatan signifikan dibanding seri sebelumnya
Fitur Timeshift dan predictive text sangat berguna
Performa mengalami peningkatan signifikan dibandingkan seri sebelumnya
Fitur Timeshift dan predictive text yang berguna
Games dan Browser yang lebih baik
Desain oke & bobot ringan
BlackBerry 10 OS mengusung banyak peningkatan
Antarmuka segar & mudah dipelajari
Kamera foto 8MP & video Full HD dengan hasil oke
Layar tajam & responsif
Speaker internal oke
Baterai tahan lebih lama di
OS BlackBerry 10 Juah berbeda dan lebih user friendly dari versi sebelumnya
BlackBerry Hub
BBM 10 dengan BBM Voice dan BBM Video
Kinerja stabil
Desain elegan
. Fitur menarik
. Performa cepat serta ukuran pas.
Browser mumpuni
Memori yang bisa ditambahkan
Kualitas kamera bagus
Messaging hub
Desain dan bentuk BlackBerry Z10 sangat manis dan menawan
BlackBerry OS10 membawa banyak perubahan yang menarik untuk dicoba
Selamat tinggal dengan jam pasir
Lelet maupun hang pada ponsel BB
Sistem Operasinya serba cepat
Halus (smooth) dan menarik
Peningkatan fungsionalitas
Keyboard dengan prediksi kata
Blackberry Peek
Blackberry Hub
Time Shift
Voice command
Tidak tergantung BIS
Sideloading Android
OS baru yang memiliki performa dan fungsi jauh diatas OS BlackBerry sebelumnya
Fitur multimedia mumpuni
Kualitas audio yang baik (via headset)
Layar HD yang berkualitas
The editors didn't like
Baterai masih tergolong boros
Pilihan aplikasi masih kurang beragam
Baterai masih terbilang borosPilihan aplikasi yang masih kurang beragamPengguna harus kembali membiasakan menggunakan Z0
Autocorrect pada keyboard virtual kadang mengganggu
Fitur perintah suara belum terlalu maksimal
Dukungan aplikasi masih terbatas
Harga cukup premium
Jika dilihat spesifikasinya
Aplikasi di BlackBerry World untuk versi BlackBerry OS 10 masih minim
Bahan material plastik
Dengan perombakan besarbesaran dibeberapa sektor
BlackBerry Jelas ingin mengambil tahtanya kembali setelah lama tergerus oleh produkproduk seperti
Bobot cukup lumayan
. Tak langsung masuk Indonesia
Tunggu sampai akhir Februari
. Harga pasti belum diketahui
Bocorannya Rp 7 jutaan.
Bermateial plastic terkesan tidak premium
Sedikit aplikasi
Interface tidak mudah dimengerti
BlackBerry World belum terlalu banyak menyediakan aplikasi dan game
Hmmm tidak ada lagi
Ya hanya itu saja
Tidak ada lagi
Belum banyak aplikasi populer tersedia secara resmi untuk OS BB10
Abstract: CANADIAN PHONE MAKER Blackberry has had a rough time lately, struggling to compete against iOS and Android and slipping behind Microsoft in terms of mobile market share. Although its Blackberry 10 mobile operating system ...
My time with the Z10 has been interesting. In a lot of ways BlackBerry hit this one out of the park. The hardware is beautiful and quality wise is much better than most of the Android phones on the market and up there with Apple devices as well. The new ...
Good Screen Quality, Removable Battery, Good Software Keyboard
Touch Gestures May Fail, Animations Slow App Launching, App Selection, BlackBerry Z10 | $199 | Verizon, BlackBerry Z10 Review Guide, Video Review, Design, Display, Performance and Hardware, Battery Life, Call Quality, Camera: Video and Photo Samples, Apps
If you already own a BlackBerry and or are required to use a BlackBerry for work, and can switch away from a physical QWERTY keyboard the BlackBerry Z10 is worth considering.However, if you are using an iPhone or Android device, switching to the BlackBerr...
Good user interface with smooth scrolling, Great for emails and social media, Ideal for business users, Simple setup, Dual-core CPU, SD Card slot / HDMI slot
Lack of decent apps, It's a Blackberry, (not cool enough for some), Final Words. Initially, I had some doubts about Blackberry Z10. I said to myself… give me any smartphone and I would be happy, but a Blackberry, seriously? But how wrong was I. As it tur
Initially, I had some doubts about Blackberry Z10. I said to myself … give me any smartphone and I would be happy, but a Blackberry, seriously? But how wrong was I. As it turns out, the Z10 was way better than I expected. With a good user interface, soc...
Without getting too in-depth (this isn't a full review, after all), I have to say that I came away from the Z10 with a much better impression than I thought I would. BB OS 10, as a platform, has a lot of potential here, and I think it's pretty incredib...
Abstract: Who's has been anxiously awaiting the Blackberry Z10 arrival? Yours truly, that's who. How does this new operating system look to us Blackberry lovers? Even down to the lock screen, it appears more clutter free, with seemingly fewer distraction, and more ...
Abstract: BlackBerry is at a critical point in the company's life, with market share rapidly declining and a sour public image, the company needs a lifeline to help resurrect the company. Step in the Z10, which is currently available on Verizon running the new Blac...