If you're willing to give Binary Domain a chance, an engaging journey awaits. To the credit of the developer, gunplay is a blast throughout. Robots prove to be the perfect fodder for an onslaught of bullets, and also form the foundation for an intriguing...
Robot enemies break apart in diverse and gratifying ways, Characters and dialogue are appealing, Thoughtful environmental detail, Amusing command/dialogue mechanic.
Abstract: What if you lived in a world where robots were as prevalent as humans? You'd see them every day--in the street, at your workplace, in the coffee shop--made to mimic the human figure but easily identifiable as machines. But what if the gap narrowed to t...
Abstract: Binary Domain is a pretty slick looking sci-fi third person shooter from the fine folks at SEGA, more specifically the coveted Yakuza Team, headed up by creator Toshihiro Nagoshi. The Yakuza look is pretty prevalent throughout; you’ll recognize the cha...
Abstract: One could dismiss Binary Domain as a "Gears of War clone with robots" and call it a day. But while some games find themselves locked in development for years with vast ambitions, other titles function on a smaller scale and can still shine -- even thou...
Abstract: Binary Domain is SEGA's latest attempt to jump into the third-person shooter scene. In today's market, shooters are a dime a dozen, and you don't have to look hard to find a buzz-cut, gun-toting, grey armored main character ready to roadie run and duck...
Abstract: Fighting their way through armies of deadly machines, a multi-national team of special operatives is sent to Japan to capture the head of the Amada Corporation, the vengeful organisation behind the rise of the robots. In SEGA’s ambitious new team based...
Abstract: Vertrauen und Zusammenhalt ist wohl das wichtigste in einem Team – so auch in Segas „Binary Domain“. Wir haben uns den Action-Titel angeschaut und für Sie das folgende Review verfasst. Worum geht’s?„Binary Domain“ spielt im 21. Jahrhundert: Dank der gl...