Testseek.com have collected 21 expert reviews of the BenQ e-Reading Desk Lamp and the average rating is 90%. Scroll down and see all reviews for BenQ e-Reading Desk Lamp.
21 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
A little pricey, yes, but this is a real quality product which is the polar opposite of flimsy, plastic lamps. Solid, strong and incredibly well made...
Published: 2017-10-02, Author: Jay , review by: gadgetynews.com
Great design, Premium materials, Ergonomic range, Range of temp/brightness control, Steady and sturdy
Very touch sensitive, Appears expensive to other lamps
The WiT is an extremely good-looking desk lamp, in my opinion.Its aluminium and zinc alloy construction is sleek and gives off a premium vibe.I love the design touches such as being able to get it in white with a silver head (as reviewed), as well as with...
It's our first time reviewing something like an intelligent table lamp, but what BenQ has here is actually a pretty decent product that will certainly have its uses amongst the masses.(previously published in issue May 2016)...
Abstract: 首先说明一下,本文的目的是介绍一款可以有效保护眼睛视力的智能护眼台灯,因为笔者是位4岁半女娃娃的父亲,孩子每天从幼儿园回来要坚持看3、4本绘本故事,所以正文开始了。产品包装盒相当大,65CM x 50 CM的尺寸,重量约5kg,乍一看怎么也不会想到一台智能护眼台灯会这么大。从包装上看智能护眼台灯是BenQ的WiT智能读屏台灯系列产品,官方售价1899元。其实此款台灯主要面对的是屏幕内容的阅读,此外还有智能学习台灯、绘本阅读台灯几个系列产品。(下文简称WiT智能台灯)打开包装会有简易安装手册与产品说明书,这...
Published: 2016-04-07, Author: Stefan , review by: maclife.de
massiver Standfuß sehr gutes und auf Wunsch auch sehr helles Licht, unterschiedliche Farbtemperaturen wählbar, intelligenter BildschirmModus, verschiedene Farbvarianten
verliert aktuelle Einstellung nach Trennung vom Netz (Schaltsteckdosen)
Die WiT liefert hervorragendes Licht zum Arbeiten und Lesen an Bildschirmen und Displays aller Art. Das schlichte Design weiß zu gefallen, die Verarbeitung ist hochwertig, der Preis angemessen...