While the main focus of this mini Battlefield 3 tweak guide was to show you how to get rid of lag, here are a few bonus little nuggets for you to try: Unlike in previous versions of BF, you could see your ping by holding down tab for the scoreb...
I seriously considered reviewing the two components of this game - single-player and multiplayer separately, since the disparity between the level of quality seems so vast and because it almost seems like the interests of two totally different audiences n...
Abstract: Battlefield 3 has been one of the most eagerly-awaited titles of the year and the good news is the wait was worth it.The game, which usually draws comparisons with Call of Duty, blazes its own path with gritty realism, excellent graphics and an amazing on...
Abstract: Available on PC, XBox 360 & PS3)We got hold of the PC version and downloaded it digitally from Origin, the EA store.A common things used in literature and movies and game story telling is the flashbacks and flash-forwards. It is used with good results...
Abstract: In 2002, Electronic Arts and Digital Illusions CE (DICE) changed the way first person shooter war games would be played with Battlefield 1942. It brought immersive battles and vehicles to the mix, with flight and tanking combining to make the ultimate bat...
Despite a lacklustre single player, Battlefield is the definitive online multiplayer king, and the 64-player PC servers and massively improved visuals make this the superior version of a truly classic shooter.More Articles >>> ...