Abstract: Ayre Acoustics QB-9 USB Digital-to-Analog Converter 2009 is proving to be a watershed year for computer-based audio. High-performance audio companies have begun in earnest to unleash their creativity, endeavoring to maximize the performance opportunit...
Abstract: Ayre Acoustics QB-9 USB DAC: Like the Ayre, the USB Link 24/96 will handle high-resolution files and uses the Texas Instruments TAS1020B chip. However, it operates the USB interface in adaptive mode using code developed by Centrance. John Atkinson's...
The Ayre QB9, in this system, gave one of the most natural and lifelike performances I've heard. It is an excellent performer from top to bottom, but truly excels in reproducing the natural timbre and textures that blur the line between live and recorded music, The soundstage that was created was full, rich and enveloping. It was a joy to listen to and pulled me deep into the performance, Thr
As stated earlier, this is a USBonly DAC. There are no other digital inputs and the reasons for this are discussed thoroughly in the Ayre white paper. However, I would be willing to give up some performance on a coax input to be able to use a DAC like this for additional sources, provided the USB input remains the same.
The Ayre QB-9 USB DAC is a very impressive piece of equipment. It recreates music from an ordinary laptop, which will go toe-to-toe with some of the finest digital gear on the planet. It is utterly natural and creates a soundstage so lifelike you can a...
Abstract: Es mutet in der Tat etwas befremdlich an, wenn ein 2800 Euro teurer D/A-Wandler wie der Ayre QB 9 mit nur einem einzigen Eingang daherkommt – noch dazu als USB-Buchse. Grund hierfür ist jedoch weder Knausrigkeit noch Willkür: Vielmehr steht Ayre-Chefde...
Abstract: Jedyny w ofercie DAC marki Ayre cechuje minimalistyczny wygląd wąskiej obudowy (216 mm), który – przynajmniej z naszej perspektywy – wydaje się nie nadążać za znaczącą ceną 10 600 złotych. To jednak tylko powierzchowna ocena, wynikająca z kiepskiej relacj...