Abstract: Whether you're a serious PC gamer or a casual after-hours warrior, your hardware can be the pivot point between victory and defeat. To get the most out of the latest first-person shooter (FPS), sports, racing, and other fast-action games, you'll not only...
Abstract: The frameless, 24.5-inch panel is small by today's standards, but typical for the esports crowd it's aiming for. The smaller monitor makes it easier to see everything on screen without darting your eyes around, and the lower resolution ensures your graphi...
ROG Swift 360Hz PG259QNR是一款产品定位非常明确的游戏外设,就是搭配高性能的NVIDIA GeForce系列显卡使用,R、N联手共造超一流的电竞游戏体验。此次实测下来,这款电竞游戏显示器的色域、色准表现也很不错,大家可以放心入手。目前这款高端电竞游戏显示器在华硕京东自营旗舰店现货销售,日常价6499元,需要的玩家们可以前往购买。【购买传送门】...
Abstract: 不知不覺年後的第一個小長假:清明節就要到了,除了可以去武漢看櫻花,北京平谷看桃花,宅在家中玩遊戲也是一個不錯的選擇。既能享受悠閒的休假時光,還能與朋友一起「開黑」,體驗重回大學青春時代的感覺。要說宅家玩遊戲必備什麼,當然是一款高刷新的 電競 顯示器,華碩ROG Swift PG259QNR超夢Pro電競顯示器,擁有堪稱物理外掛級的電競性能,絕對能夠讓你在昔日好友中脫穎而出實力Carry!一款電競顯示器好不好,首先要看的就是螢幕面板!ROG SWIFT PG259QNR超夢Pro電競顯示器搭載了Fast...